Saturday, January 19, 2013

Idioms #2

Let the cat out of the bag - проболтаться, выболтать секрет
Eyes are bigger than one's stomach - пожадничать (о еде).<example: I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach when I said I wanted more>
Get off someone's back - отстать от кого-либо (= stop bothering smb)
Straight from the horse's mouth - из первых уст
Duck soup - проще простого, проще пареной репы
Cat got your tongue? - ты что, язык проглотил?
Go to the dogs - развалиться
The early bird catches the worm - кто рано встает, тому бог подает


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to Pronounce Can vs. Can't

time for Phrasal Verbs...look

look out - обратить внимание, будь осторожен, опасайся
look up - найти в словаре, найти и навестить кого-то
look up to - уважать кого-то, восхищаться кем-то
look for - искать
look after - заботиться о ком-то, присматривать

Describing objects

Opinion: nice, beautiful, pretty, ugly, terrible, trendy, etc
Size/Weight: large, small, heavy, long, etc
Age: old, new, old-fashioned, antique, modern, etc
SHape: round, triangular, oval, square, rectangular, etc
Color/Pattern: yellow, red, blue, green, white, checked, striped, polka-dot, flowery, floral, plain, etc
Origin: italian, spanish, etc
Material: metal, straw, leather, silk, cotton, plastic, wooden, clay, wax, etc

Example: It's a nice small modern square black italian plastic suitcase with wheels.

Other ways to say said

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm in the middle of ...

When we speak, we often use in the middle of.
Example: I was in the middle of doing my homework when my computer crashed.

Answering questions

When we answer questions like Where are you from? and How old are you? we don't usually reply with full sentances like I am from Brazil or I am sixteen years old. One word or short phrase is usually enaugh - Brazil or Sixteen. If we really do not want to answer a question, we can say: I'd rather don't say, if you don't mind

If you want to ask a more personal question, you can add if you don't mind me asking.